Saturday, October 10, 2009


Sorry that it has been such a long time since my last post, I´ve been sick for the majority of the week, so I haven´t really had the opportunity to get to a computer with internet. But now I´m feelin´great!
An interesting thing that I took note of recently is how Nicaraguans treat personal belongings. Although they love their belongings they treat them far differently than we do in Canada. Instead of thinking along the lines of `What´s mine is mine´, they seem to lean towards `What´s mine is yours´ and vise versa. For example, if you admire something of theirs like a hat or a bracelet, they´re very likely to just take it off and give it to you. This happened earlier during our orientation camp, and all of the Canadians were blown away by it (the `gift´was a very nice hat). I know that several of the Canadians are trying their best to be as generous with the Nicaraguans as they have been to us.

Tomorrow is our mid-session camp. We´ll spend three days in the countryside, working out the kinks in our program. I can hardly believe that our time in Nicaragua is already half over! I´ve figured out a way to post pictures, but it´s going to have to be a couple at a time. I´ll post a group photo of the Canadians today. I´ll try my best to get a good one of the entire group at our camp this week.
This particular picture was taken just after we arrived in Managua from Toronto.
(Sorry for the poor photo quality)
From top left to right: Michel, from Quebec city, Quebec; Lake, from Toronto ,ON; Ariane, from Orleans, ON; Veronique, from Montreal, Quebec, Romaine, from Victoria, BC; Me; Alex, from Tofield, Alberta; Catherine, from Rockland, ON; and Kayla, from Summerside, PEI.