Monday, September 14, 2009

Independance Day in Nicaragua

So, today is Nicaragua´s Independance day. Everyone is out celebrating in the street. There are lots of interesting foods and drinks available. I´ll take this opportunity to tell you about some of the interesting points regarding food and drink on the street.
Food on the street is rediculously cheap. You can buy a fair sized snack for the equivalent of 25 cents Canadian (most of the time home made and delicious). Pop is another interesting topic. Although plastic bottles are commonplace, the majority of pop is packaged in glass bottles. If you are drinking the pop within the establishment you can drink it directly out of the bottle. If you want it to go they pour it into a bag and you drink it with a straw so that they can keep the deposit. Strange ways. Beer is another item which is far cheaper than in Canada. You would have a hard time finding an establishment that sells beer for more than 1$ Canadian. Nicaragua has two main beer labels: Victoria, and Toña. Both are good, and extremely satisfying in this sweltering climate.
Another common thing to see on the street is vehicles with mounted speakers, blaring either advertisements, music, or Police Reports (the Police reports are given early each morning).
Ah! Another thing! I learned how to wash my clothes by hand today!! With the strength that it takes, I´ll surely be made of muscles by the time I get home. I definitely prefer this to washing machines. You really get a sense of satisfaction when you finish by hand, and it´s nice not having to do an entire load each time.
The cool thing about Somoto is that it seems to be completely untouched by tourism. I´m really getting the real Nicaraguan experience here. Not one McDonalds within eyesight :)
One thing to note about my blog posts: It is extremely hot here, and usually by the end of a post I do not have the energy to edit what I´ve written. So please, humour my bad grammar and spelling :P

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